高等英文解釋研究 第7問




One of those events now occurred that with their stern irony so mock the statesman's foresight, and shatter political designs in their most prosperous hour. As a mightier figure than Mr. Parnell remorsefully said on a grander stage, a hundred years before, cases sometimes befall in the history of nations where private fault is public disaster.
At the end of 1889, the Irish leader had been made a party in a suit for divorce.









(1) "one to whom habitual duplicity was believed to have been brought home."

まず、この "brought home" をどう解釈すべきかわかりませんでした。模範訳には「習慣的な不誠実を確信しているように思われる人」とありますが、日本語として成立していないと感じるのは私だけでしょうか。

bring home は「~を痛感させる」「~をはっきりと分からせる」などが定訳ですが、それをこの英文に機械的に当てはめると以下のような訳文になります:



文全体で解釈すると「習慣的な不誠実の深刻さを実感させられた人と一緒に政治をやることはできないと批判する向きもあった」くらいの意味になるかと思います。("others urged the impossibility of relying upon political understandings with one to whom habitual duplicity was believed to have been brought home.")



bring ~ home to someone



to prove one's guilt―bring a charge home to a person


a. to make clear to
b. to place the blame on





また、アガサ・クリスティーの翻訳でもこの第二の定義で "brought home" が訳されていることが確認できます。

However that may be, it was his genius that discovered the truth of the affair. But for Hercule Poirot I doubt if the crime would have been brought home to its perpetrator.



引用:エッジウェア卿の死 - アガサ・クリスティ/松本恵子訳

確認のためネイティブに尋ねてみましたが、興味深いことに第一義を採用する人もいれば、第二義で解釈する人もいました。 以下は、第一義の「痛感させる」という意味で解釈したネイティブの意見です:

"To bring (something) home" means to realize how real or serious something is. You may have been thinking of something as a distant, theoretical or abstract subject, but then something happens that makes you realize how serious and real it is.

Your quotation says that many people realized that Gladstone was frequently dishonest and that situation made working with him difficult. (*Gladstone ではなく Parnell)

I think his followers just chose to ignore the problem until they were faced with the prospect of trying to make political decisions with someone who was so duplicitous. When faced with this possibility, the problem was brought home. The duplicity, which was was previously remote and people chose to ignore it, was suddenly something that they had to face. It had been brought home.

I don't think that habitual duplicity was brought home to Parnell because Parnell was the habitually duplicitous person. The phrase "brought home" means to make something obvious or to make the theoretical real.

The habitual duplicity was brought home, with home being the world that these people lived and worked in. Maybe the writer means that the habitual duplicity had become something that Parnell could no longer escape, but that interpretation seems very odd.


このネイティブはまず "bring (someone) home" の意味を以下のように定義しています:


その上で、パーネルの不誠実を痛感させられたのはパーネル自身ではなく、人々や他の政治家たちだと言っています。彼らはパーネルの不誠実を意図的に無視し続けてきたが、その不誠実に直面せざるをえない時が来た。従って彼らが "brought home" された、と。



しかし、原文には "one to whom ... brought home" とあるので、この解釈は文法を逸脱していますよね。to がなければあり得たかもしれませんが、文法的には "brought home" されたのは明らかにパーネルのはずです。少々アクロバティックな解釈のような気がします。


It would appear to be definition 2. Parnell had been shown to be guilty of 'habitual duplicity', presumably because he had kept his relationship with Kitty O'Shea secret for a long time, as described in the Wikipedia article. Other politicians considered that they couldn't trust him politically if he had shown himself to be untrustworthy in his private life.

This seems to me to fit in with the general sense of the paragraph, more than Parnell being 'made aware' of his duplicity.


ざっくりと言えば、パーネルは「習慣的な不誠実」という罪を犯したと立証された。それに対して他の政治家たちは、パーネルが私生活で信用ならないことが示されたならば、政治的にも信頼することはできないと見なした。 この解釈のほうが、「パーネルが自身の不誠実を痛感させられた」という解釈より文脈に合っている。






"Brought home" in this context means that it is believed to be a fact or established truth that the person in question has a habit of duplicity or deceitfulness. It is something that is believed to be firmly established and not open to doubt.

(2) "Undoubtedly they would have proscribed some of the most important and admired figures in the supreme doings of modern Europe."

次は、この文の "would have" をどう捉えるべきかわかりませんでした。模範訳では「思ったのだろう」と訳されていますが、これもよくわからない。普通に考えれば仮定法現在完了と捉えて、「彼らは追放していたのだろう(実際はそうではなかったが)」と読むのでしょうが、それだと文脈的に何を言いたいのかはっきりしません。


"We may set what value we choose upon such arguments."

そして今問題となっている "Undoubtedly..." から始まる文が2つ続くわけですが、その後の一文では「しかし人々は詭弁をもてあそぶ気にはなれなかった」と言っているので、どうやらこの2文は詭弁の例であるらしいということが窺えます:
"But people were in no humour for casuistry ..."






実際、2つ目の "Undoubtedly..." から始まる文はいかにも詭弁らしく聞こえます。私にはこのように聞こえました:


ならば、1つ目の "Undoubtedly..." から始まる文もやはり詭弁のはずです。ところが、"would have" を仮定法現在完了と捉えて読むと以下のようになりますが、どこが詭弁なのかはっきりしません:



例によってネイティブに尋ねてみたところ、 "would have" の解釈は2つに分かれました。「仮定法現在完了」と「未来完了形 will have の過去形」という解釈です。


IF the cautions of those who oppose political understandings with liars and those who engaged in misconduct were heeded, THEN there would have been no agreements with some of the most impressive players in modern Europe. What is not said but understood is that these people - “important and admired figures “ - were obviously NOT excluded from “the supreme doings of modern Europe.”

My view is that the writer is simply stating two possible opinions after the two “undoubtedly” references without making a judgment (“whether this be sophistry or common sense”).

(It is possible that “casuistry” refers only to the second case, mainly because of the “unsafe to assume” phrase might lend itself to classical “casuistry” analysis. But frankly, that’s way beyond my level of expertise, so take it with a grain of salt.)



ちょっと気になるのは、"liars and those who engaged in misconduct"と複数形が使われていることです。文章中では嘘つき(habitual duplicity)も不祥事(the misconduct)もパーネルただ一人を指しているので、本来複数形はおかしいはずですが、パーネル以外の嘘つきや不祥事も含めて考えている?また政治的合意についても、パーネルは最終的に辞任させられたので、合意があったとは思えません。


また、2つ目の文だけは詭弁の例かもしれないとも言っています。というのも、 “unsafe to assume”というフレーズが古典的な詭弁分析(?)に適しているからだそうです(古典的な詭弁分析とは何なのかよくわからないのですが、もしかしたら詭弁ではなく決疑論のことを指している?一応質問したのですが回答はもらえませんでした。)「私の専門レベルを大きく超えている」とも述べているので、ネイティブにとってもこの文章は難解なようです。

さて、もう1人のネイティブは、"would have" を未来完了形の過去形だと解釈していました。

 You have been trapped into thinking that "would have" only applies to a main clause which is used with a conditional (if) clause in the past perfect. It can also be used as the past tense form of "will have".





"Casuistry" is defined as "the clever use of arguments to persuade or trick people".But reading through the text you gave, I'm afraid that the sentence "Undoubtedly they would have proscribed ------ is totally meaningless to me. So, I cannot say whether or not it comes within the definition of "Casuistry".So, again, I'm sorry, it's totally beyond me.




Yes, your suspicion is correct. The two sentences you mentioned can be seen as examples of casuistry, which is the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in moral issues, to defend or justify a position or action.

"Undoubtedly they would have proscribed some of the most important and admired figures in the supreme doings of modern Europe." This sentence suggests that if people were to apply the same standards of judgment universally, some other prominent figures who were admired for their achievements might also be condemned or excluded due to their misconduct. It's an attempt to create a moral equivalence, implying that since others with flaws are not rejected, Parnell's actions should be treated similarly.

"Undoubtedly some who have fallen into shift and deceit in this particular relation, have yet been true as steel in all else. For a man's character is a strangely fitted mosaic, and it is unsafe to assume that all his traits are of one piece, or inseparable in fact because they ought to be inseparable by logic." This sentence uses a sophisticated argument to suggest that although Parnell may have been deceitful in this particular situation (the adultery scandal), it doesn't mean that he lacked integrity in all aspects of life. It presents the idea that character is complex and multifaceted, so one should not judge an individual solely based on a single flaw.

However, in the context of the passage, it's clear that these arguments were not well-received or persuasive because "people were in no humour for casuistry." The public was not inclined to engage in nuanced discussions about character or moral relativism when it came to the adultery scandal involving Parnell, and the prevailing sentiment was against him, leading to a significant backlash.


"Undoubtedly they would have proscribed some of the most important and admired figures in the supreme doings of modern Europe."






(3) Undoubtedly some who have fallen into shift and deceit in this particular relation, have yet been true as steel in all else.

最後は、この "relation" の意味についてです。模範訳では「この特別な関係」と直訳されていますが、意味がわかりません。ネイティブに尋ねたところ、これは relation の古い用法で、"event" や "incident" という意味だそうです。ただし、辞書を調べても載っていないので、どの辞書に載っているか尋ねたのですが、回答はもらえませんでした。

"in this event" "in this incident"

Wow, what a difficult text!

/edit to elaborate slightly, this is an older meaning of the world 'relation' and is not really used often any more.
