高等英文解釋研究 第2問



"They express the revolt of a great mass of human common sense against it."


この「大多数の人間」というのを、私は「国民の大多数」という意味だと捉えました。第二院の限られた少数議員を "a great mass" とは呼べないと思ったからです。それに大衆を意味する "the masses" という単語もあるくらいですし。


ネイティブに尋ねてみたところ、この "a great mass of human common sense" は「民の声は無謬ではないという信念」(the belief that the people's voice (and therefore those institutions) is fallible.) を意味し、 "a great mass" は必ずしも「大勢の人々」(a mass of people) や「大衆」(the masses) を意味しないとのことです。



追記1:別のネイティブによると、“a great mass of human common sense“は筆者が全く説明していないため全く意味がわからないそうです。

Why does this revolt express “a great mass of human common sense“?
This is completely unclear, based upon the arguments in the subsequent text. I think it would be extremely generous to call these justifications “muddled” – I would actually prefer to call them extremely weak.

In other words, I can’t tell you what the author means by – a great mass of human common sense – because the author does an almost non-existent job of explaining himself.


追記2:ChatGPTに聞いてみたところ、"A great mass of human common sense"は大勢の(理性的な)人々、つまり民衆を指すとのこと。

"A great mass of human common sense" refers to a large group of people who possess practical and sensible understanding or rational thinking. In the context of the passage you provided, it refers to the general population or the common people, who are expressing their revolt against the idea that the voice of the people is considered to be the voice of God and that decisions made by popularly elected Chambers are infallible.

また、"a great mass of human common sense"は「民衆の間に広がる感情や集合的な理解」という、より抽象的な意味合いをも表しているとのこと。そして、民衆のかなりの割合が「民の声は神の声」という信念に疑問を持っていることが示唆されているとのこと。

In the passage, the term "a great mass of human common sense" is used to describe the collective understanding or prevailing sentiment among the ordinary people or the general population. It does imply that a significant portion of the population has doubts or reservations about the belief that their voice alone is always a perfect representation of divine will or the voice of God.


However, it's important to note that the passage doesn't encompass the views of the entire population, and there may be differing opinions within society on the matter. Some individuals might strongly support the idea of their voice being the voice of God, while others may have reservations or doubts about it, leading to the development of diverse political beliefs and systems.
